Bobby's Christmas Story

Bobby's Letter
Page 8
Copyright 1997 by Dawn Rosell

Bobby and Santa came around a long bend in the road and there it stood in an open lot barren of any trees and there was no sign of children outside. It looked very cold and lonely from the road. The building was in need of much repair and there was an ancient look to it. As they grew closer Bobby could hear the sound of many other children behind the doors.

They knocked on the heavy doors and waited anxiously for it to open. When the door opened there stood a child of Bobby's age in clothes even older than his hand me downs and they were a bit small on the boy. His face was solemn but clean and he had hair as red as the sunset in summer. "Please come in", he said to the old man and Bobby, "who are you here for?"

"We are here to see you all" claimed Santa.

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